How Do I Become a Member?

Updated for 2023!

So you wanna ride our track?

There are membership fees for both local and provincial racing depending on your level of enthusiasm!

See the steps below for full details on how to get your ticket to ride.

The Alberta Bicycle Association (ABA) now accepts online application for the annual UCI/CCA BMX race license or General Membership. All riders require an annual ABA membership to ride our track except for Strider Riders.



Get your full UCI/CCA Racing License or a General Membership.

Go online to and click purchase a membership.

Choose one of the following options:

✔️ UCI/CCA BMX Racing License*

Choose this option if you want to be able to race on any CCA affiliated track in Canada! This is what you want if you plan to race Provincial or National BMX races, or would like to travel to other tracks in the area and race. Select a BMX racing License according to age:

  • BMX racing (youth 2006 – 2018)  $128
  • BMX racing (adult)  $172


✔️ General Membership  (non-racing)* $45

For those who only want to race on our awesome track, this membership lets you participate in local racing, coaching and open track nights at St. Albert BMX only. Your wins do not count towards moving up in the sport. Do not fast track these licenses – we need to see your receipt at the track.

Remember to carry your riders license with you at all times.

*Helpful hints: In the online form, affiliate with St. Albert BMX ($120 option under Club pays your annual membership for St. Albert BMX). If you need a family membership put in $0 and we will collect the family price at the track) for both racing and general license options.

A photo needs to be uploaded for your digital license. You may also be asked for proof of age for a first time registrant.

Beginners register as novice riders. Your race level is determined by age as at Dec 31, 2023.

There is no extra charge if you want to ride both 20 inch and cruiser.



JOIN ANYTIME during the race season!

Here are your fee options for this year:

St. Albert Club Fees for 2023 (all ages) = $120. You can pay this when registering for your digital license in step 1.

Family membership for 3 or more riders in the same household = $250.

Affiliate with our club by completing this year’s club registration form.
signing the St. Albert BMX Code of Conduct form!


Get it here or at the track:

2022 St. Albert BMX Registration Form

Helpful Hints for 2022 Registration




Visit us at the track (check our home page, events calendar or social media for announcements) to hand in your forms and complete registration.

✓ Volunteer Deposit of $200 (refundable when volunteer requirements are met). Cash or cheque post dated to October 1, 2023.

We can’t race without your help! In lieu of cashing your volunteer cheque, all we ask for is: 20 volunteer hours at or on the track, concession, registration, race nights… we need your support!

If you do not wish to volunteer there is $250 opt-out fee due at time of registration.

Be sure to sign in at the moto shed to log your hours. Relatives and friends can also volunteer on your rider’s behalf. All help is very much appreciated.


What Equipment Do I Need?

First, you will of course require a bike! 20 inch diameter wheels recommended, 24 inch if you are riding in the Cruiser class. Please remove all reflectors, bike stands, pegs, bells or other extra stuff before you arrive. Gears are allowed, but not needed.

Second, for the rider, the following gear must be worn when riding the track:

✓ Full faced helmet
✓ Gloves (full fingered)
✓ Long sleeves
✓ Long pants (tear resistant, durable fabric)
✓ Fully closed shoes (no sandals of any type)

We rent loaner equipment for first timers! We have helmets, gloves and even bikes! Come and give us a try!

For More Information See Our Page BMX GEAR.


What Happens on Race Night?

We race on Tuesday nights from May to September!  Check with us for weather updates and cancellations! Call us at 780-460-1269 (or come and see us in person) and leave your name, assigned plate number and age level no later than 6:30 pm!
Report to the moto shed upon arrival to sign in with your ABA license. Confirm your name on the rider list by 6:45pm. Moto sheets (race order) will be posted shortly after and the gate drops at 7:15 pm!

Volunteers are needed every night we race! We can’t do it without your support. It’s easy and you get a great view of racing! Sign up at the moto shed and grab a red vest!


Registration Bonus…

Earn $5 in St. Albert BMX Conce$$ion Ca$h!

Bring a friend who’s new to BMX and sign ’em up for FULL membership! You get $5 to spend in our concession and they get to ride our track! It’s a win-win situation! See us at the Moto shed for full details!


Race Checklist…

✓ Bike (pegs, reflectors, front brakes, fenders and other unsafe items must be removed)
✓ Full-faced helmet, gloves, long pants, long sleeves, closed shoes
✓ Alberta Bicycle Association membership (ALL riders must present a license
or membership proof of payment to ride the track)

✓ St. Albert BMX Club Membership paid
✓ Volunteer deposit submitted
✓ Don’t forget to help us out with our fundraising efforts!

Now you’re ready to ride! Have fun and… Crank it up!!!


St. Albert BMX